Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So you've got some spare airmiles and want to impress on a date but you're struggling to think of a place to go which is unique and romantic at the same time. Well you can't go wrong with a visit to one of the many heart-shaped features of our planet. Heart-shaped forests, lakes, islands.... provided you can find the right vantage point when you arrive, these spots can't be beaten when it comes to romance.

1. Heart-Shaped Forest, Cantabria, Spain

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This beautifully shaped forest can be found in Cantabria, Northern Spain. However, the forest will only take on the heart shape seen in the above photograph when viewed from this angle. See the forest on Google Maps here.

2. Heart-Shaped Island, Gutierrez Lake, Patagonia

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A beautiful heart-shaped, tree covered island can be found in Patagonia, Argentina, and is best viewed from the East side of Gutierrez Lake. See the island on Google Maps here.

3. Heart-Shaped Wetland, Guandu Nature Park, Taiwan

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Guandu Nature Park is, believe it or not, a nature park situated in Taipei City. Within the park you'll find the heart-shaped wetland pictured above. See it on Google Maps here.

4. Tavarua Island, Fiji

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Tavarua Island is a stunning heart-shaped island paradise just off the coast of Viti Levu, surrounded by coral reef. It's also home to a beautiful resort, perfect for a spot of romance. See the island on Google Maps here.

5. Galesnjak, Croatia

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Another beautifully shaped island can be found just south of Zadar in Croatia. Called Galesnjak, this little gem measures just 1/2 kilometre at its widest point and must be reached by boat. See the island on Google Maps here.

6. Heart-Shaped Lake, Ohio

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A perfectly heart-shaped lake can be found near Columbia Hills Corners in Ohio, but not much else is known about this curious feature. It seems to be part of a private residence. See the lake on Google Maps here.

7. Heart-Shaped Mangrove, Voh, New Caledonia

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Probably the most well-known heart-shaped piece of land is this incredible mangrove in New Caledonia, made famous by aerial photographer Yann Arthus Bertrand and featured on the front cover of his book, Earth From Above. See the mangrove on Google Maps here.

8. Heart-Shaped Lake, Chembra, India

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Itself a major tourist attraction, the lake near the top of Chembra Peak in India is said to have never dried up. Apparently over 150 people pass the lake every day during the 3km journey to the top. See the area on Google Maps here.

9. Heart Reef, Great Barrier Reef of the Whitsundays

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Heart Reef is a naturally formed, heart-shaped collection of coral in Australia. Obviously the reef can only be appreciated from the air, but the view is definitely worth the cost.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Have fun

Finally, I dumped my lethargic streak to write down something! :mrgreen: Hope it’s not a difficult to understand read.

This is a follow-on post to a previously written post “The 7 Chakras.”

Our body is an open source of energy. This means that it can freely exchange energy from its immediate surroundings. Chakras, which happen to be primary centers of energy carry out this exchange of energy. Therefore, if our surroundings are healthy and positive, we receive positive energy and feel good. Imagine the last time when you went to disco with your friends—you liked the lighting, you swayed with music, you loved the décor and you’re the result was… you felt on the top of the world, happy, cheerful and elated! So, that was the affect of positive environment on you. :D

On the other hand, hospital surroundings are enough to put anyone down. You can easily feel depressed in such surroundings signifying that the surroundings are not very healthy for the energy exchange with your body! The same can happen in company of unpleasant people whom you dislike strongly. :(

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Monsoon’s Maniacal Magic

It’s Monday morning and it rained heavily last night. - 1000s of Free Smileys

Somehow rains make me sick. :-x Now don’t stare in amazement, there are people who can hate rain!. :evil: Somehow, I refuse to step out of my house whenever it rains! I like to stay inside and watch rain (without a drop of water falling on me), eat, read, and listen to music. :)

But, I didn’t have such grand choices today as my office management won’t understand my emotions. :cry: After getting up in the morning, I was pondering what all choices I have:

1. Go to office late (But, there is no guarantee that the rain would stop!) :|
2. Not go at all (I have already exhausted my leave reserve and have to let go my one day salary!) 8-O

Well, both the options appeared equally appealing. I end up giving reasons to myself to choose anyone of the two. And what did I chose people, none of the two. :(

I came to office at the regular time. My family members do understand that I hate rains and somehow push me to reach office on time, just like a kid is made to go to school forcefully. If I am not forced, I guess I will soon end up exhausting all my paid leaves during monsoon season itself. :P

But, when did I actually start hating rains and why? :roll:

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Let’s Joke

Thought of posting something funny! Enjoy! :-D

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The 7 Chakras

I promised that I would write a follow-up of my post Human Aura. So, here I am with a handful of information. :-D

Well, we have to start from the starting to understand what this healing/cleansing is all about. Let’s begin with healing first.

Our body has a certain level of endurance power, an invisible jacket which surrounds it. This jacket has to be pierced to create any ill-effect on our body. Take the case of common cold, your body would fight as long as possible before giving in to the infectious microorganisms. Once the invisible protection layer has been punctured by the microorganisms, they gain entry in our body harming it.

A healthy body houses a healthy soul. So, you have to heal your body to make your soul healthy. The wellness of body depends on the balance of chakras present in it.

What are Chakras?

Let me introduce you to the 7 chakras which a human body houses. There balanced state is responsible for our healthy physical and mental bring.

Each Chakra is like a spiral of energy elating to the others. Together the 7 chakras form the energy system of our body. Chakras are controlled by endocrine glands and nervous system. Each chakra is related to one of the endocrine glands in our body. Endocrine glands secrete hormones. So, you can conclude that our hormone secretion depends on body chakras aided by neurotic reflexes. (I hope this is making sense to non-science people! :mrgreen:

Let me tell you the names and location of 7 chakras. Visualizing our body from feet to head we have: Read more »

Funny Toilet Signs

Sometime back, one of my friends sent me a mail which left me in splits. Thought of sharing you the contents of the mail. :-D

P.S.: The idea of this post is not to make fun of any nation or its culture. Please take it as pure humour.